Friday, February 10, 2012

Keystone Pipeline

            Here is an article  Washington Post Keystone Pipeline Article I found interesting about the Keystone Pipeline that would carry crude oil from Canada to refineries in Texas.  I have been following the progress of the pipeline as I am a strong believer in energy independence and security. This article should be read and this topic followed because this could give our nation a huge source of oil from a stable country.  It would be a step closer to weening us off oil from the Middle East; arguably the most unstable region in the world. The article discusses how the Obama Administration rejected a bid by TransCanada to build the pipeline, and why it was rejected.  I am disappointed that the proposal was rejected, but President Obama claims more review needs to be done about the environmental impact of the pipeline.  He also says TransCanada can turn in a new proposal after it meets certain requirements.  I agree with the Administration's decision.  If the pipeline is going to be built it needs to be done right and not rushed.  Opponents of the pipeline say, of course, that the pipeline can leak and pollute drinking water, namely the Ogalla Aquifer.  Also, they do no want to support the use of strip mining in Canada to extract oil form tar sands; a very taxing process on the environment.  I do not particularly like the idea of strip mining for oil as it is terribly inefficient and costly to the land.  However, if we do not buy the oil from Canada, they will surely sell it to someone else like China and India, so we might as well take it if Canada is going to strip mine it.  Supporters say, also of course, that the pipeline will bring jobs and energy security. 

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