Friday, March 9, 2012

Mandatory Contraception

  I just read a liberal blog on a conservative’s  tweet response to the Sandra Fluke testimony on contraception. Response to Patricia Heaton Tweet A mandate has been passed requiring private insurers, with the exception of religious institutions to cover the cost of contraception in their plans.   This is such a hot issue because there are so many volatile factors in this equation.  There is government, religion, women’s rights, and money.  Fluke testified about the detriment of women attending Georgetown University who cannot afford contraception because the University health care plan does not cover it.  Nevermind that she is an activist and clearly has a biased agenda, and not even a Catholic.  Her testimony implies that she wants the government to tell Georgetown, a private Catholic University, what to do.  Am I the only one who sees a line being crossed here?  What is happening to Separation of Church and State?  Sandra Fluke can tell all the sob stories about her alleged "friends"  she wants to Congressional Hearings.  But the fact is that if Georgetown is a private AND NOT PUBLIC  University that does not receive subsidies, then the government cannot have any  say, as long as it doesnt effect national security,  in  any proceedings of the school, including contraception coverage.   The fact that Fluke only wants the quality education from Georgetown while disregarding the University’s values and beliefs, and then implying that the government, through her testimony, also disregard the University is of the highest selfishness. In her testimony she said that she shouldn't have to choose between a quality education and women's health.  What about the University's beliefs and rights?  She failed to mention or talk about that, making her testimony one sided and therefore invalid.   She is upset that an institution's beliefs, an institution that she CHOSE to attend, contradict her own and, instead of recognizing the rights of that institution to hold those beliefs, she is trying to get the government to force Georgetown  University to go against its rightful beliefs.  This is a direct affront to the centuries old struggle to separate Church and State.

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